Shop of the Gulls

882 N. Miramar Ave, Indialantic FL, 32903
Located in the Indialantic Shopping Center behind Long Doggers
(321) 499.3040


Shop of the Gulls is a community thrift shop that was established in the mid-1960’s by St. Sebastian’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church. Volunteers have operated the shop since then, making us one of the oldest, non-profit thrift shops in the area. Proceeds from the shop support the ministries of St. Sebastian’s, both inside and outside the

Donations for Resale

Donations are accepted during business hours. We accept a variety of gently used (clean and in good working order) items, including

  Clothing, shoes and accessories
•  Jewelry
  Housewares: dishes, glassware, kitchen utensils, and small appliances
•  Domestics: linens, window treatments, and fabric
  Home décor and lamps
  Collectibles and antiques
  Books, records, CD’s and DVD’s
  Games, toys and puzzles
  Sports equipment
  Craft supplies
•  Pet supplies

Sharing With Others

We receive an abundance of donations from our local community and share these treasures with other local non-profit organizations, including:

  CITA Rescue Mission
  Daily Bread
•  Nana’s House
•  South Brevard Sharing Center
•  Ways for Life
•  New Life Mission


Looking for a way to support your community and have fun at the same time? Call or text (321) 499.3040 and chat with our lead volunteer, Valerie Coles, if you’d like to volunteer.

Saint Sebastian’s by-the-Sea
Episcopal Church


(321) 499.3040
882 N. Miramar Ave., Indialantic FL